She just kept defending what she did,and I could see I wasn't gonna get anywhere, so I left. I told her I understand if he can't scream in front of the pets, but it was absolutely unnecessary for her to yell at my son like that, and told her she should have said said something, in a respectful way, to me, and I definitely would have taken him out of the store.

She yelled at him for about a minute in a very mean and rude way, and he was so scared, he was holding on to my leg for dear life! When I told her it was unapprropriate for her to yell at my son like that and if she had a problem she should have said something to me, she defended herself saying that you have to talk to kids like that, and kept saying that he couldn't scream around the pets, etc. Then, he did it again, and she came over, pointed her finger in my sons face, and started yelling at him, telling him he was gonna scare the animals, and told him if he didn't stop screaming, he was gonna have to leave the store. old son squealed in excitement upon seeing the animals, and the lady that worked there yelled "hey" very rudely, and I let that go.

I used to always love this place, and used to go there and take my kids all the time to look at the animals, and even planned on buying a dog there someday, but NEVER AGAIN!!!!! I took my kids in there and my 2 yr.